The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for Digest Touring Award: 1

Digest Touring Award

Outstanding journalism award offered every seven years by the Travellers Digest magazine (a popular magazine with a wide circulation in the spinward sectors of the Imperium, available on either plastic vellum or electronic media). The recipient, who must be a professional journalist living and working "behind the claw", is given honorary membership in the Travellers' Aid Society. (worth one million credits); he or she is then expected to travel through the region during the tenure of the award and to submit a feature article once every thirteen weeks. The intent of the Digest is to "promote understanding of cultural diversity within the Imperium". The most recent winner of the award, in 1100 is Akidda Laagiir an editor of the Mora World Review on Mora (Spinward Marches/Mora 0704 AA99AC7-F).